POST TRAUMATIC GROWTH // I had a feeling early on in 33 radiation sessions treating a recurring cancer (now healed) that I’d experience a collateral benefit over and above the physical.
That was an intuitive insight. 💡 I explored this feeling with my amazing coach Mary Beth O’Neill in Seattle and realised I was experiencing Post Traumatic Growth (PG).
To realise the benefits of PG requires REFLECTION. As Socrates once said “An unreflective life isn’t worth living.” The practical benefits are that my coaching and psycho therapeutic work is now even more powerful! 💯
I commissioned Sue Ellson to write a poem, shared here with permission. If you would like to discuss PG with me, please reach out…

Post Traumatic Growth Poem
By Sue Ellson
As the trauma builds
Beneath the surface
I wonder how
I can escape the furnace
The fire, the fury
The hurt, the worry
The fear, the mire
I feel so sorry
Intensity rising
Anxiety spiralling
Depression sickening
Stress increasing
But at some point
I make a decision
I act not react
I see with new vision
My heart calls me in
To dig a little deeper
I discover my own salvation
I become my own reaper
That finds a new harvest
Of strength and wisdom
That opens the door
To my new found freedom
For in the resistance
The trials and the suffering
My vulnerability awakens
Love everlasting
The kernel of joy
Is finally sprouting
Trauma the catalyst
For my new awakening
Painful and raw
Beyond all measure
But look what I’ve found
My hidden treasure
The will
The way
The license
To play
To smile
To seek
To live
To learn
So much more from here
For every new year
For now I give thanks
For the gratefulness I’ve gained
The battle was hard
But my belief is now ingrained
I can’t change the past
Or wish something else for me
But through post traumatic growth
I’ve found a way to truly be
#posttraumaticgrowth #executivecoaching #johnmccann
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